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2021 Events

Feast of St. Francis Xavier

Mass on Saturday, December 4th, 2021 Time: 2:30pm
At: Annunciation Parish (9420-163 St., Edmonton)

In-person attendance is open to anyone who would like to attend. Social distancing will be in effect and masks will be required. We hope to see you there!


Virtual Attendance: the Mass will be livestreamed on the Parish YouTube channel at this link: 
Once you go to the link, you will be able to select the Mass (it may not be available until just prior to the Mass start time). 

Update: Sept 19, 2021 Picnic at Rundle Park Cancelled

In light of the latest announcement made by the Government of Alberta, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our planned “Lookout for the Cookout” picnic. While outdoor gatherings are still permitted under the new guidelines released Sept 15, 2021, we have concluded that it is in the best interests of our community’s collective health and safety to not proceed with the event.


To those of you who have already purchased tickets, we will be in touch by email and will be issuing you a refund shortly.

August 21, 2021
EGA Scavenger Hunt
We are happy to announce that our first event for 2021 is a family friendly Scavenger Hunt!
Visit the flyer below for more details and please register by August 18, 2021 by emailing
ScavengerHunt Thumbnail.jpeg
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